When Amiga Flame said that Z, a realtime war strategy game by the Bitmap Brothers was indeed coming for the Amiga, many were sceptical and that remained even after Jamie Barber of the Bitmap Brothers confirmed it to be the truth.
You may remember in the Previous News article that I pointed to ClickBOOM as being the company that will convert it and Publish it. If you visit ClickBOOM's web site you will find see an aminated graphic which shows the various games that ClickBOOM have and are working on. One of these graphics is of the Z logo, proving what Amiga Flame had pointed out to be true was.
I would like to remind readers that Jamie Barber of the Bitmap Brothers said that if "this title proves to be successful, it will certainly make a difference to the way that we view the Amiga as a viable platform". Perhaps the idea of mainstream developers looking at the Amiga seems a long way off but really they are watching and if they see the Amiga as another platform to make a profit on, they will return.
Thanks to Janne Siren who has discovered that ClickBOOM even state that they are converting Z on their web site, use the link provided to see for yourself.
Go to the ClickBOOM link at :-